December 18, 2024

The countdown to the royal nuptials of Wills and Kate has begun. Only three months to go and Britain’s got a serious dose of Royal Wedding Fever.  Visitors to London should expect to be bombarded at every turn with the faces of the newest newlyweds:  spoons, scarves, china, useless bric-a-brac, and the ever-popular – and practical – tea towel; few things make the British public as a happy as a kitschy commemorative.

Didn’t get your invite?  No worries.  Windsormania is so firmly embedded in the national psyche you’ll feel like a member of the wedding just by being there.  Or you can join William and Kate’s Royal Wedding Walk and visit the London locations and landmarks that helped define the next Royal golden couple. You’ll learn about “Kate’s fascinating life prior to joining ‘the firm’, and hear firsthand the whole story, from William’s cherished mother Diana, to Kate’s engagement ring, and all the gossip in between.” For $1,995, The British Royal Wedding Escape will take you on a private tour of the procession route before the big day. Plus, after the wedding you’ll get a private tour of Windsor Castle.

The homage that takes the teacake, however, comes courtesy of Shropshire’s 18th century Hadley Park House Hotel and restaurant.  To celebrate Prince William and Kate’s happy day the hotel is offering a free wedding reception on April 29, 2011 to any couple with their namesake.

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