February 28, 2025

It’s 105 degrees and humid in Houston today; the kind of swampy weather that encourages you to stay indoors watching television in a  crisp air-conditioned suite. Naturally, I couldn’t do that on my last day; I had to go out wandering, despite the weather. I’ve been nothing if not surprised by Houston over the past few days, so it seems only fitting that I would chance upon a breeze and some shade in nearby Market Square Park. In the middle of the park I also found Niko Niko’s, a Greek food shack that’s something of a Houston institution. Purporting to serve the best Greek grub in town, there was no arguing with my crunchy and savory falafel, served with tzatziki and a fiery red sauce. In fact, that pretty much sums up my brief Houston experience: no arguments here – and a nice side of sauce. Despite a climate that’s eerily similar to Southeast Asia, I wish I could stay a little longer. I’ve quickly grown quite fond of H-town, a disarmingly little big city that’s subverted more than a handful of my ignorant notions about Texas.

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